Sunday, September 19, 2010

The first week of classes

So far my semester has not been a good one at all...I got into an accident and lost my boyfriend among a few other things I don't want to share publicly. So sadly I really needed a mental break and didn't attend class on Thursday. So I will share with what I learned at Tuesday's class.

Tuesday was spent working on blind-contour drawings; something I'm not good at at all. We were given shells to draw from and were told to draw our first one for 30 minutes without looking at the paper. This seemed very daunting to me, especially since I haven't taken a drawing class for 4 years and I have a short attention span. I know I have a lot to work on that's for sure.

I ended up drawing three different blind contour drawings. I was actually rather pleased with how the second one turned out. Amy said to really work on pressure with the charcoal so I really focused on doing that this time around. We were divided into small groups and I was happily surprised that my group rather enjoyed mine. I really learned a lot from this piece and know that I really need to slow down and pay attention to details. I also need to get used to working with an object moving slightly instead of a still-life.

The second drawing we were actually allowed to look at the drawing but still trying to use the same techniques from the first one. I also did three or so drawings this time around. I was actually unhappy with my results. My shells looked deformed and unrealistic. I admit I was trying to draw without looking at it so my results look like they might've been done half-blindly. But still, I really need to work on my drawing skills and need to practice outside of class on my own time doing my own motives. Even though we weren't supposed to I drew the same angle twice to see how they compared from viewing and not viewing the drawing.


  1. Clearly you have a terrific grasp on contour drawings, something I still am struggling with, but yours are simply beautiful, the lines express so much and the line weight is something to be envied. Loooove it :]

  2. these are so beautiful! drawing the top of my shell is still something that so difficult. my eye gets lost in it and its clear that you understand it. it's truly inspiring and makes me want to try it once more. its so economical yet complex. lovely job!
